Martins World Group
Call 01246 823763 (Bolsover) or 01246 220020 (Chesterfield)
Call 01246 823763 (Bolsover) or 01246 220020 (Chesterfield)

Why choose 1st4cruises ?
At 1st4cruises we suggest a great range of cruise offers everyday! New offers become available frequently so check back regularly to discover a superb deal that's right for you. All the major cruise lines are catered for so there’s no need to look anywhere else. We have been arranging cruises for over 20 years at Bolsover and Chesterfield, and our staff have experienced cruising on many different cruise lines – talk to the cruise experts today!
Our Latest Cruise Deals

There are so many cruise deals available with 1st4cruises and Martins World Travel. We add specially selected cruises everyday to keep you up to speed with the very best best cruise offers. All the major cruise lines are catered for so there's no need to look anywhere else.